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Council Meeting

ASEAN Learning Network Council (ALNC) Meeting is held usually twice a year. Established since year 2008, 22 council meetings have been conducted; ALN institutional members rotate to host the meetings based on budget availability. Attendees of the ALNC Meeting include the management team of ALN, heads and appointed representatives of institutional members as well as invited observers. Depending on the host and members' requests, each ALNC meeting can be complemented by a seminar or a workshop delivered by appointed speakers among ALN members; the host may also facilitate several visits within the region including potential sites for SEED Village. International conferences have also been organized in conjunction with the ALNC Meeting, enabling members to share their research findings and expertise related to SEED and the field of community engagement or service learning.


For more details on the ALNC Meetings and the supporting activities, please click here.


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